Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Video Response - Harness your Students' Digital Smarts

I just finished watching a video titled “Harness your Students' Digital Smarts”. It is about the Edublog award winning teacher, Vicki Davis (Cool Cat Teacher), uses innovative technology in her classroom. She seems to be a excellent teacher and her students allows seem to be engaged. Their class has wikis, blogs, podcast, and many other different methods of teaching. Mrs. Davis uses all this technology and even travels to tell about her methods of teaching. In her classroom, students turn in assignments online to wikis. She allows her students to teach themselves. She also says teachers say she need to know something before she teaches it and she disagrees with that. She feels like she learns along with her students since technology changes so much. The children also get to learn from one another.

For me as a future teacher, this classroom shows what I will use in my classroom. This video also shows technology is not going away and teachers should take full advantage of these tools to help them teach and engage the students. Technology is important also because it always changes. Teachers should take advantage of professional development to keep up to date with the ever changing thing that they use in their classrooms. Student can also help with this by keeping up to date themselves (which they always seem to do).

I personally feel like I will be a lot like Vicki Davis. I hope to be as innovative as she when I began teaching. I will take advantage of every opportunity to learn a new technology or professional development offer to further my knowledge.

Below I am posting the video for you if you would like to watch it. To my fellow future teachers, it worth watching and it is only five minutes. Thanks for reading.

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