Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Welcome to my blog! This blog is for my Education Technology final at HSU.

First things first:....My name is Hannah Topor. I was born and raised in a small southwestern Arkansas town. Nashville has 5 stop light. Yes that's right. 5. I married the man of my dreams, Brandon Topor, in September of 2010.
November of 2011 we found out that we were expecting a bundle of joy! This was the most exciting thing in the world. In July of 2012, via c-section, I delivered a beautiful baby girl. We named her Bella Faye. The picture below is one week after she was born. She is my everything. My life. My hobby. My interest.

As you know, my life changed for good. While on maternity leave my job was reassigned to a different part of the state, so I lost my job.  Eventually I realized that losing my job was a blessing in disguise, because I could finally achieve my lifelong goal of becoming a teacher. After losing my job, I began taking classes at our local community college and was amazed how much I had matured as a student.  I took pride in my work, studied more and made great grades.  After taking all that I could at CCCUA, I transferred to Henderson and became a full-time student, wife, mother and a substitute teacher in the Nashville School District. 

I am now the best student in the world. I try to the best of my ability and appreciate school more now. I am studying to be a Middle Level Educator because it my passion. This age group of kids are tough! (Remember, I am a sub.) I can get on their level to reach them but I can also stay tough. 

Another aspect of my life are my friends! I have the best friends in the world. Beside my husband, my sister is one of my best friends. Sarah and I shared our pregnancy together and we have had so much fun becoming new mommies. We also attend the same college with the same major. 

We are majoring in Middle Level Education with an emphasis on Language Arts and Social Studies. My life stays busy with school and the babies in my life. Wyatt and Knox are my two nephews and Bella loves to spend time with them.

Hope you have enjoyed my intro to myself. Stay tuned for more fun!! Also, one last sweet picture of sweet Bella Faye.


  1. I really enjoyed reading about the story of your life, and the birth of your precious abby girl! You are going to be a great teacher one day and I can only believe you are the best mommy ever! I'm glad I got to meet you this semester!!

  2. Your daughter is gorgeous. Your husband is a stud. Iphones are nice. Go Razorpigs. Go Reddies!

  3. I really enjoyed the layout of your blog and the different pictures that you added it kept me interested!

  4. I have enjoyed getting to know you this semester! Your baby is so cute! That is also awesome that you are so close to your sister!
