Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bella's Life... Literally

Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. This simple quote yet  profound quote is something I live by. My life revolves around me being a mother. My greatest achievement is being a mother. My goal in life was to become a mother and guess what… I ACHIEVED IT! Bella is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on! (no I am  not biased)
Anyways, if I am going to become this blogging lady, I wanted to catch you up on my sweet Bella Faye’s life. 

Month One – Newborn. We have to have lots of adjustments. She also was learning routines and eating a lot.

Month Two - Terrible Twos. Believe it or not this is when my sweet pea started teething.

Month Three – Teeth. She would slobber all day. EVEN IN HER SLEEP.

Month Four – Smiles. She learned to smile and would not stop unless you changed her diaper, her bottle ran out or, of course, you left the room.

Month Five – Solid Food. She got her first taste of baby food. And left me tell you. Until she was full on bananas you better keep feeding them.

Month Six – Hello more teeth. By six months, Bella had 8 teeth. YES 8. Maybe the slobber will stop for a while.

Month Seven – Wave to the World. This is when she was waving. At everything. Me. Daddy. Gigi and Pawpaw. The dog. The ceiling. Nothing.

Month Eight – Crawler. Mobility at its best. She would just rock back and forth for the longest time and them boom! She was mobile.

Month Nine – Talker. As on now Bella can say; mama, dada, by-by, bite-bite and blablabloo. J

Now that you are updated. I will try and keep this up the best I can. As you know, I am a full time mommy to Bella, wife to Brandon, and student to good ol’ HSU.


  1. I like this blog alot. It is cool how you put a picture with every month! It is so neat that you can see how much your baby has grown. She is so pretty!

  2. Love, love, LOVE this! So cute!
